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4 Character Plays

Below you can find information about a selection of my four character plays

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Licensing Information:


Fees dependant on expected audience size.


100 and under – £13 per performance


101-200 – £15 per performance


 201-300 – £20 per performance


 301 – 400 – £25 per performance


 501+ – £30 per performance


Live Stream - £10


Online Posting – £10



Poster from Patterns Theatre Company Production

(July 2018)

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"Setting Places"

Setting Places was written as a farcical style comedy set over a dinner party.


Genre: Comedy/Farce

Timing: 30-45 Minutes



Sarah & Jack are hosting their first dinner party since having a baby (and its proving rather stressful for Sarah). So when Jack announces that instead of his work colleague and Sarah’s sister, he’s invited a last minute guest in the form the sister’s ex-husband (who she can’t stand to be in the same room with!) But fear not for Jack has a fool proof plan to get them out of it, disguise the husband as the interior decorator and get the sister so sloshed she won’t notice, what could possibly go wrong?


Cast: 2m & 2W


Productions History:


July 2018 - Performed by Patterns Theatre Company in Cullompton, Devon, UK.


October 2018 - Performed by Exton Drama Club in Exton, Devon, UK.


October 2021 - Performed & streamed by Scantic River Productions in The Montauk Club, Brooklyn, New York, USA.


December 2022 - Performed at Hofstra University, Long Island, New York, Student Rep Festival Fall. (Video of Production on YouTube -




“This play is a hilarious farce/sitcom style show that is a delight to not only see but work on. I produced/directed this show for one of my senior student repertory shows at Hofstra University. I absolutely LOVED working on it!”

(Alice McKay, Director of the Hofstra University Production)


“A very funny play that escalates on each page. I particularly like how the playwright merges both language and action to further the humor, all the while keeping the characters true and in front of the situation. I would love to watch this on stage someday, and hope it has a long life in the theatre.”

(Ross Tedford Kendall, Playwright)


“From the start of the play, you know you're in for a treat. Rachel Feeny-Williams captures an initial tension that escalates hilariously throughout the play until all cards are on the table. It’s brilliant and hysterical, chock full of outrageous disguises, secrets, and mistaken identity.”

(Sasha Karuc, Playwright)


“Rachel Feeny-Williams has written a really funny play about an intimate dinner party that goes wrong. Or does it? I was reminded of Ayckbourn – delicate and tricky relationships, confused identities, doors, miscues, and more. This play is sure to be a crowd pleaser!"

(Kim E. Ruyle, Playwright)


“A mix of old fashioned tried and tested farce techniques plus a modern scenario of a couple with their first evening without their recently arrived baby, the mix ups and laughs escalate in Setting Places over seven tightly-wound scenes during a rollercoaster dinner party. A classic four-hander farce, simple to stage, Setting Places works with characters in excruciatingly funny knotty situations and the clockwork precision of the best of its genre.”

(Alice Josephs, Playwright)

Poster from the Scantic River Production

(October 2021)

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Stills from the Exton Drama Club Production

October 2018

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Stills from the Hofstra University Production

December 2023

"Weather it Out"

Weather it out was written as part of my 'Worth a Thousand Words' play a day challenge, where the challenge was to write a play a day inspired by a picture. This particular piece was written in response to a set of feet jumping in a puddle.


Genre: Comedy

Timing: 15 - 20 Minutes



When it comes to finding the perfect beach spot on a beautiful sunny day, Andrew and Mark are about to discover that their wives will resort to conspiracy, sabotage and potentially violence to have the perfect spot.


Cast: 2m & 2w


Productions History:


July 2023-  Live production by Worcester Park Dramatic Society.




“A day at the beach is anything but pleasant for two couples, primarily due to the territorialism of Julia. Feeny-Williams avoids stereotypes and doesn’t hold back in portraying the women (Julia, mostly) as the primary antagonists and the men (yes, boorish at times) more often playing peacemakers. The escalating conflict and dashes of physical comedy give Weather it Out a thunderclap of a punch.”

(Kim E. Ruyle, Playwright)


“I ADORE THIS SHORT PLAY! What a treasure it was to hear this read in our weekly playwriting group. While the men's roles are well-constructed, it's the women that are the true stars of this piece. Any seasoned actress would LOVE either role. BRAVO!”

(Debra A. Cole, Playwright)


“As someone who is constantly moving their beach chair away from THOSE people, I got all the feels from WEATHER IT OUT. Everyone will relate to this comedy about having your space invaded. Playwright Rachel Feeny-Williams expertly crafts this short play with growing tensions, utilizing every prop at hand, until the funny twist at the end. You'll never forget Weather it Out, and you'll keep a keen eye next time you go to the beach!”

(Arianna Rose, Playwright)


“This is a clever take on entitlement, and will resonate with anyone who hoped for a quiet day at the beach or the park, or even at home, and suddenly...intrusions! How dare they?!? With rising tensions, childish interactions and a lovely twist at the end that turns out to be the final arbiter, Ms. Feeny-Williams has created a fierce and funny take on how those feelings of entitlement, when challenged, can take all the fun out of life. Worth reading and would be fun for the actors to perform.”

(Bruce Karp, Playwright)


Licensing Information:


Fees dependant on expected audience size.


100 and under – £13 per performance


101-200 – £15 per performance


 201-300 – £20 per performance


 301 – 400 – £25 per performance


 501+ – £30 per performance


Live Stream - £10


Online Posting – £10




"A Few Questions"

"A Few Questions" was written as part of my '29 Plays Later' play a day challenge in February 2023. The brief for this play was to "write a play from a point of view that is in itself questionable, forcing the audience to figure out what the "truth" is."



Genre: Crime/Drama

Timing: 15-20 Minutes



60 year old Jessie Burrows and her son have been brought in for questioning in relation to 16 bodies that have been discovered under her old house, the location of the husband who abandoned her and a possible connection between the two.


Cast: 3m & 1w (There is an additional male role but it is non-speaking and can be doubled up by the actor who plays Sgt. Clayton)


Productions History:


(UPCOMMING) November 2024 - Audio Production on Theatrical Shenanigans podcast.




“What seems like a standard reluctant-witness police interview goes where none such has gone before. Literally and figuratively, Feeny-Williams leads us down the garden path to discoveries no one would have anticipated and then to a mind-blowing conclusion. The lead female character especially will challenge an actor in all the best ways. I heard and very much enjoyed this work during an online reading and recommend it highly.”

(Donald E. Baker, Playwright)


“I should have known that with a Rachel Feeny-Williams police drama all is not as it seems. But when I thought the story would zig, RFW made it zag in the most unexpected and thrilling way. This could probably be expanded to string us along even further, but it’s completely effective in this short format. Put on your detective hat and enjoy!”

(Morey Norkin, Playwright)


“Ms. Feeny-Williams has created a very interesting and ultimately harrowing Sweeney-Todd-like story that will surprise you and delight you for its cleverness and surprise ending. And that is all I can say without ruining the story. Well done!”

(Bruce Karp, Playwright)


“Nice little twist at the end. Don’t want to give anything away, but the ending is not what you’d expect. Interesting characters that give actors plenty to work with. Great read!”

(Dan Taube, Playwright)

Licensing Information:


Fees dependant on expected audience size.


100 and under – £13 per performance


101-200 – £15 per performance


 201-300 – £20 per performance


 301 – 400 – £25 per performance


 501+ – £30 per performance


Live Stream - £10


Online Posting – £10



"A New Day"

"A New Day" was written as part of my '29 Plays Later' play a day challenge in February 2023. The brief for this play was to "To write a play with a 'time' reference."


Genre: Comedy/Drama

Timing: 15-20 Minutes



Day has been working hard ruling the skies in daytime doing her own, and everyone else's share for many years. Now Night has come along to remind her just what she has given up and what she faces if she keeps working that hard.


Cast: 2m & 2w 


Productions History:




“An absolutely beautiful play about time, purpose, and responsibility. The characterization of Day and Night is just done so masterfully and with Grace. The addition of the North Star as well is so welcomed and so fun! I absolutely can’t wait to see what other stories Rachel comes up with this month!”

(Cole Hunter Dzubak, Playwright)


“RACHEL FEENY-WILLIAMS is a true artist. From one simple prompt - TIME - and one bonus suggestion - FIRST - she has created a short play that will make audiences think and smile. The dialogue is perfection, and the concepts are delightful. STELLAR SHORT PLAY FESTIVAL piece."

(Debra A. Cole, Playwright)


“Any workplace comedy about abstract concepts will have my attention, but it’s Rachel Feeny-Williams’ fantastic dialogue and characterizations that made me a fan. This is a fun, clever, and touching look at the forces that make our world spin ‘round. Put it in your next short play festival!”

(Elle Meerovich, Playwright)


Licensing Information:


Fees dependant on expected audience size.


100 and under – £13 per performance


101-200 – £15 per performance


 201-300 – £20 per performance


 301 – 400 – £25 per performance


 501+ – £30 per performance


Live Stream - £10


Online Posting – £10





"Confess" was written as part of my 'New Year, New Words' play a day challenge in January 2022 where the aim was to write a play inspired by a word, in this case it was 'offender'.


CONTENT WARNING - Swearing and violence


Genre: Comedy

Timing: 5-10 Minutes



Their father's brand new sports car with a broken window. Will Danny and Katie manage to hold it together, or will they turn on each other?


Cast: 2m & 2W


Productions History:


April 2022 - 2nd Place in Surfside Playhouse 10 Minute Play Competition


(UPCOMMING) November 2024 - Audio Production on Theatrical Shenanigans Podcast




“I love the lines about where in the house good news is delivered vs. the bad. Confess will take you back to your own childhood or parenthood to when the power dynamic between child and parent can shift seemingly on a dime, but in the end, there is never any argument when it comes to the all seeing eye that is without a doubt instilled to all mothers just after giving birth.”

(Lee R. Lawing, Playwright)


“Calling WILLIAMS’ short piece “Confess” would be and understatement. A lovely piece about how brothers and sisters bicker over the most basic details of life, only to realize their mother is not more clever than she’s thought to be.
A wonderful example of everyday life at its finest. This play would be wonderful in production or at a festival! I want to see it produced! Read. Produce. Repeat. Well done!”

(Jaxson Mackling, Playwright))


“THAT was brilliant. Mother should be running police interrogations. Rachel Feeny-Williams has written a real treat of a ten minute play showing us that kids aren't as smart as they think, and parents aren't nearly as dumb. I'd bet many an audience member will take this tactic in mind when dealing with their own kids.”

(John Busser, Playwright)


“Rachel Feeny-Williams does it again. This brilliant little comedy had me making faces throughout and pausing and pretending to be director. The dialogue was so engaging that I thought I was at the dinner table with the family. I don't want to ruin anything (which means I've probably already done that), but the ending is fantastic! Kudos to another great 10 minute play Rachel!”

(Joe Swenson, Playwright



Licensing Information:


Fees dependant on expected audience size.


100 and under – £13 per performance


101-200 – £15 per performance


 201-300 – £20 per performance


 301 – 400 – £25 per performance


 501+ – £30 per performance


Live Stream - £10


Online Posting – £10



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2nd place in Surfside Playhouse 10 Minute Play Contest

April 2022

"Rotten Roots"

"Rotten Roots" was written as part of my 'New Year, New Words' play a day challenge in January 2022 where the aim was to write a play a day inspired by a certain word, in this case it was Rotten.




Genre: Drama

Timing: 15-20 Minutes



Katie & Jessica have searched long and hard to find their biological fathers but neither they (nor their father's) know how this day will turn out.


Cast: 2m & 2m


Productions History:


July 2022 - 1st Place Winner of The Surfside Playhouse 10 Minute Play Competition 




“This is a beautifully structured play, with both warmth and comeuppance.”

(Rex McGregor, Playwright)


“Perfectly sequenced, deftly written, this side-by-side is captivating, both for its heartfelt characters and the powerful reveal. And the best last line I've seen in a long time!”

(George Sapio, Playwright)


"I must compliment Ms. Feeny for this compelling and ultimately satisfying and twisty play. Secrets are revealed perfectly and surprisingly, by strong characters. The story begins in a way which has you wondering how the characters are connected and the answer is revealed in an extremely clever way. Kudos to Ms. Feeney for this idea and for the way she ramps up the drama to a logical conclusion. ”

(Bruce Karp, Playwright)


Licensing Information:


Fees dependant on expected audience size.


100 and under – £13 per performance


101-200 – £15 per performance


 201-300 – £20 per performance


 301 – 400 – £25 per performance


 501+ – £30 per performance


Live Stream - £10


Online Posting – £10



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Winner of Surfside Playhouse 10 Minute Play Contest

July 2022

They Walk Amongst Us.png

Licensing Information:


Fees dependant on expected audience size.


100 and under – £13 per performance


101-200 – £15 per performance


 201-300 – £20 per performance


 301 – 400 – £25 per performance


 501+ – £30 per performance


Live Stream - £10


Online Posting – £10



"They Walk Amongst Us"

"They Walk Amongst Us" was written as part of my 'words, words, words' play a day challenge in September 2021 where the idea was to write a play a day inspired by a word, and this word was Snake.


Genre: Science Fiction

Timing: 20-30 Minutes



Laura is excited when she gets a job as assistant to renown Serpentologist, Professor Kelham but there is more to this job then meets the eye!


Cast: 2m & 2w


Productions History:




““There is so much affection for old-timey sci-fi in this short play. I couldn't help but imagine everything in black and white and everyone speaking with Transatlantic accents. If you have a fondness for classic B-movie goodness, Rachel-Feeny-Williams' They Walk Amongst Us should be right up your alley. ”

(Greg Mandryk, Playwright)


“In her 20-minute horror play THEY WALK AMONGST US, Rachel Feeny-Williams manages a tone that is somehow campy, restrained, and frightful. It nicely hearkens back to classic horror films - or the long creepy stories of Arthur Machen. Favourite moments are when Laura says, "I've got snakes on the brain," (What an image!) and then later when Professor Kelham lowers his hood. I like it a lot that we never actually see the lab - which would be the go-to place if this were a film - that so much of the fright is constructed in our imagination. Big fun!”

(Charles Scott Jones, Playwright)


“A great scareathon (and all in 10 pages!). They Walk Among Us has a cast of four for a classic shlock horror in the tradition of second half of the 20th century movies. Also what an opportunity for a make up/costume designer to make their mark. With effective lighting and direction. This could scare the living daylights out of an audience in the best possible way!”

(Alice Josephs, Playwright)


"They Walk Amongst Us” by Rachel Feeny-Williams is a mixture of two genres Science Fiction and Fantasy. The play is very creative and monstrous. The plot is a horror, no question. I had goose bumps reading this disturbing plot. As usual Ms. Feeny-Williams gets readers to become immersed and engaged in the story. The tension begins from the moment the character of Luke opens the door. What happens at the end of the play is unexpected and quite a surprise!

The character of Luke is odd; he saunters around his home ominously. Each scene builds brilliantly to the climax. Laura seems balanced and normal. She accepts an incredible offer to work as a research assistant, with a generous salary, which includes room and board. As a student of science this is an ideal opportunity. She optimistically accepts the position. Laura in time begins to understand that something is not right. As the mystery is unravelled the anxiety of the place heightens as does the plot. This play is quite a read. Actors would find creating these different characters fun and challenging. The actors must be subtle, but resolute in their choices and motivations. “They Walk Amongst Us” by Rachel Feeny-Williams takes you into a world of make believe. I could see this play as full-length movie. I can imagine the sounds that would be required to make this play work. The entire piece is scary and unpredictable."

(M. Jennifer Wolf, Surfside Playhouse)



"Jacquie Floyd Sent Me"

"Jacquie Floyd Sent Me" was inspired when I sent out a call for guests for my podcast and one person responded, referred by a friend with the ominous subject line of "Jacquie Floyd Sent Me"


CONTENT WARNING - Swearing & Violence


Genre: Drama

Timing: 10-20 Minutes



George and Amelia Stanton have been placed in witness protection, but are they really safe?


Cast: 2m & 2w


Productions History:




“The Queen of Crime strikes again! And in what seems like a straight forward witness relocation program, in no time at all we are on a roller coaster of twists and double crossings, such is a ride with a RFW crime caper. And I thought Mrs Floyd was a mild mannered writer/actor... remind me not to cross this version of her!”

(Christopher Plumridge, Playwright)


“As a hyper-fan of the noir/crime genre, "Jacquie Floyd Sent Me" had me hooked from start to finish. Rachel Feeny-Williams put everything that needed to be heard and seen in this short piece, her best accomplishment being characters so vividly drawn in the plays brief running time. Well done!”

(Ken Love, Playwright)


“Okay, this is an honor to read and recommend! Plus, RFW is SO brilliant with crime drama. I know she will be a big name writer on some show someday. The twists in this are fun and the end is so satisfying. Can't wait to see this produced!”

(Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn, Playwright)

Police Cars

Licensing Information:


Fees dependant on expected audience size.


100 and under – £13 per performance


101-200 – £15 per performance


 201-300 – £20 per performance


 301 – 400 – £25 per performance


 501+ – £30 per performance


Live Stream - £10


Online Posting – £10



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"Hold Them Stunned"

"Hold Them Stunned" was written as part of my 'words, words, words' play a day challenge in September 2021 where the idea was to write a play a day inspired by a word, and this word was Stunning.


Genre: Comedy

Timing: 15-20 Minutes



Katie and Tommy have been married for five years and Tommy’s appreciation has all but disappeared. But Katie believes she may have found the answer through her new friend Genevieve, and just the right scent.


Cast: 2m & 2w 


Productions History:




“I'm so often surprised and impressed with the ideas fellow writers come up with, and this play by Rachel is no exception. Here the author deals with a, let's face it, male chauvinistic pig, and makes him change his ways in the most bizarre way, then the ending takes you by complete surprise. This play did hold me stunned. Hmmm, burning rubber.....”

(Chris Plumridge, Playwright)


“Hold Them Stunned begins as a normal dinner party, but takes a turn into a sort of "Love Potion Number 9" tale. During a reading I had the pleasure of listening to, the one "scent" the men in attendance seemed to have an issue with was burned rubber...but "sports" and "porn" were fair game! (Ha!) I love Feeny-Williams's writing - she has such a strong command of dialogue and a gift for creating rich and vivid characters.”

(John Patrick Bray, Playwright)


“This short play is so much fun! Katie is trying to rekindle her husband's love and affection with an unusual perfume. I especially enjoyed the sounds made as ingredients were dropped into the mixture while the perfume was being made. It's always nice to watch women triumph over bad men. Fun stuff!”

(Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend, Playwright)

Licensing Information:


Fees dependant on expected audience size.


100 and under – £13 per performance


101-200 – £15 per performance


 201-300 – £20 per performance


 301 – 400 – £25 per performance


 501+ – £30 per performance


Live Stream - £10


Online Posting – £10



"Last Call Christmas"

"Last Call Christmas" was written as an impromptu piece at a time where I was at 198 plays in my catalogue and wrote two in a day to tip it to 200.




Genre: Festive/Drama

Timing: 15-20 Minutes



Sadie has not experienced 'the most wonderful time of the year' as far as Christmas is concerned, but is the stranger in her bar on Christmas Eve about to change all that?


Cast: 2m & 2w


Productions History:




“If this doesn’t get you in the holiday mood, I don’t know what will. I had an inkling of where the story was going, but Rachel Feeny-Williams still managed to come up with a surprise or two. What isn’t surprising is how well told and moving this lovely short play is. This is pure RFW, meaning it’s the perfect gift for the season! Cheers!”

(Morey Norkin, Playwright)


“A nice little piece of Christmas cheer! Although I sort of guessed where we were headed early on, it was still a moving journey and an effective little character study from the elements that were used. A good little piece of magic realism combined with a little bit of melancholy... isn't that the makeup of many good holiday stories? This is certainly another good holiday story in that vein, to be sure. Recommended!”

(Brent Alles, Playwright)


“Amazingly inspired play about an absentee father who comes back years later and well, it seems he had a good excuse! A deceptively simple play that turned out to be very thought provoking. The author expertly juxtaposes the two time frames -- past and present -- into a smooth tale for the audience. Very different from the usual Christmas fare. I liked it.”

(Melissa Milich, Playwright)


Licensing Information:


Fees dependant on expected audience size.


100 and under – £13 per performance


101-200 – £15 per performance


 201-300 – £20 per performance


 301 – 400 – £25 per performance


 501+ – £30 per performance


Live Stream - £10


Online Posting – £10



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